Lana Hise Little
I work at Texas Tech Pediatrics clinic in Amarillo. I work with the only Pediatric cardiologist in town so we see about 140 children a month. It is a challenging but fun job and I enjoy the children as well as the doctor I work with. I also work with a pulmonologist who flies in from Fort Worth once a month to do a cystic fibrosis clinic. Needless to say that's the most depressing childhood disease I know and it is heartbreaking when we loose a young friend to it.
As for my personal life, you may remember I was just married or just about to be married to Greg at our last reunion. So we just celebrated our 10th anniversary and are very happy. Greg teaches school at Boys Ranch and coaches when necessary. We attend Amarillo South Church and my mom lives here in Amarillo. My son, Mitch is 23 and just graduated from WT with a degree in graphic design. He lives at home and is the funniest person I've ever known. My daughter, Leah is 21 and will graduate next year with a theater degree. She is definitely a people person and waits tables part-time at Leal's. My children have been the loves of my life and are turning out just like I had hoped for. We have several pets which are very entertaining. Ask me if you want to hear about Bailey the bad dachshund. I enjoy cooking, Greg is into golf these days and we both like biking, reading and going to the mountains when we can.
I continue to feel that growing up in Fritch with the Sr's of "76 was a great blessing to me and I hope that each of my classmates has had a happy and fulfilling life since our departure!
May God bless each of you,
Lana Hise Little
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